The Indigenous Couples’ Getaway is a weekend relationship retreat designed to help you reconnect, improve your communication and discover more joy for the lifetime you share!
The six sessions are taught by an Indigenous speaker couple. They share their stories, give you practical wisdom and help you have intimate conversations, just between you and your partner. This will help you grow a healthier and more joyful relationship and build more closeness and trust between you. You will gain new tools to strengthen the foundation of your relationship in the important areas of communication, conflict, sex and spirituality.
This event is being hosted in partnership between Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Intertribal Christian Communications, NAIM, and FamilyLife Canada.
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(includes two workbooks, coffee and tea during breaks)
$149/Couple (Regular Rate)
$119/Couple (Early Bird - Ends Nov 1)
$99/Couple (Group Rate - minimum of 5 couples)
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Coast Kamloops Hotel and Conference Centre
1250 Rogers Way, Kamloops, BC V1S 1N5
The Coast Hotel has a limited number of rooms available at the negotiated rates of $138 and $158 until Tuesday October 15, 2024. After that the prices may go up. Reservations can be made directly through the Hotel by calling 250-828-6660 or 800-663-1144. Be sure to mention “FamilyLife Canada” to obtain the special rate.
Please note: If you would prefer to stay elsewhere, there are other hotels within easy walking distance.
All attendees are responsible for booking their own accommodations.
** Please note: hotel nights and reservations are not included in event registration**
Event Check-in (6:00pm - 7:00pm)
Coffee and Tea (6:30pm - 7:00pm)
Welcome and Live Music (7:00pm - 7:30pm)
Session One - Gord and Bev Mills (7:30pm - 8:45pm)
Coffee and Tea (8:30am - 9:00am)
Live Music (8:45am - 9:00am)
Session Two - Gord and Bev Mills (9:00am - 10:15am)
Couple’s Project (10:15am - 11:00am)
Session Three - Gord ad Bev Mills (11:00am - 12:30pm)
Lunch Break - on your own (12:30pm - 2:00pm)
Session Four (2:00pm - 3:20pm)
Break (3:20pm - 3:35pm)
Session Five - Gord and Bev Mills (3:35pm - 5:00pm)
Date Night – on your own (5:00pm onward)
Coffee and Tea (8:30am - 9:00am)
Live Music (9:00am - 9:20am)
Session Six (9:20am - 10:40am)
Closing Feedback and Prayer (10:40am -11:00am)
FamilyLife understands you may need to cancel your Getaway for a number of reasons. If you do need to withdraw we’ll gladly transfer your full registration to another couple or future Weekend Getaway. Or if you prefer, registration fees are refundable up to November 12, 2024 less a $30 cancellation fee.
Please note: each hotel has their own cancellation policy that is separate from your conference registration. Please contact the hotel directly to inquire and make changes to your hotel reservation.
Contact Dan DeGaris: 825-733-2922 |
If you have trouble registering through the button below or don’t have a credit card, please contact Dan for assistance and for e-transfer instructions. Please note: Registration is not complete until the e-transfer has been received.
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Gord and Bev Mills reside in Sudbury, Ontario. They celebrated 40 years of marriage on July 3, 2022 and are the proud parents of two children and three fabulous grandchildren. Gord is originally from Moose Factory, Ontario, and is a member of the Moose Cree First Nation and has been a Christian since 1978. He has always been involved in many communities and churches. Bev joined Gord in retirement in March 2022 and their lives have been filled with family activities, travel, and speaking at various churches and conferences in Canada and abroad.